# What types of income can you get from a website ? There are 3 main ways to get money from any website: 1. Displaying Ads (Advertisements) on your html formatted pages 2. Posting affiliate links from products that pay you a commission 3. Direct selling your own product, either digital or phisical Any other methods is a combination of these. # Which of these methods I'm using to monetize this website? - None. I don't want to monetize, not that I won't have the use for the money, I just don't want this to be a mission for this website. I believe nobody likes ads on any page where you came to read the content not to buy anything. Similarly with affiliates. Selling other's people products might feel weird for some, including me. Maybe I will think about giving a chance of creating my own product sometimes this lifetime if I feel I have something interesting. But for now, I want this website to be pure free content.