# Organize or simplify , which one should you do ? - short answer : both - long answer: let's see if you do only one of the two ## Organize If you organize all items you have, you'll get a good feeling of achievement, that you finally finished and then the way it looks : the room, the bookshelf, the junk drawer... But you'll still have all the things you had before organizing, just in a different place. You still have the things you don't need and the ones you don't even want. ## Simplify If you only simplify as in sell, donate, throw away the things you don't want to keep you'll reduce the clutter, enjoy minimalism, be happier and less stressed to find a place to put all. But eventually you still want them to be organized so their location makes sense and you know their place, so easy to find, rather than look through all of them. Search engines don't work for most physical belongings, you could locate your phone or smartwatch (if you have one) by making a friend call you or use tracking apps etc, but you can't locate the second red sock if you misplaced it. So do both. Order doesn't always matter. You can simplify (de-clutter) first then is less to organize, or organize first then see what's left and de-clutter that.