# Money secrets - Money is designed to loose its value. - So you don't want to keep money - Money use, or the things you can spend it on, can be divided in 2 things: assets and liabilities - Liabilities are things that take money from you: bills, stuff like clothes and toys, home/kids expenses, mortgage - Assets are things that give you money : investments, apartments if you are a landlord, books/art royalties, a youtube channel maybe, a blog, a business, etc. Back to second point, you don't want to keep money but assets that in time will value more than if you have kept the money. Quick test: is a computer an asset or a liability ? => a liability, its value is going to $0 is a car an asset or a liability ? => a liability is a house an asset or a liability ? => a liability if you pay to live in it. Now some of the liabilities, you need to live, so minimize their price and maximize their lifespan as much as you can.