# how to make money: method 1, trade your time Trading your time for money is one of the simplest method and it works when you don't have other choice. The concept is very simple, something like this: I do this for you and you pay me. Or sometimes you teach me, or tell me what to do, I do it, you pay me. Examples: flipping burgers or other type of cooking, cleaning, driving, lifting boxes, walking the dog, babysitting, house sitting, guarding, data entry, secretary. It requires very basic skills, sometimes a little training but the activity itself is repetitive and in the long run it only takes your time. You rarely can learn new skills or traits by trading your time, but you are exposed to other opportunities while doing it and it can pay the bills. Pros: -easy to learn, start or pass over to somebody else -it can pay a steady income -it can pay better if you put in more time -it can offer you exposure to new opportunities Cons: -boring due to its repetitive nature -really active, if you stopped putting in the time, the money stop coming -the earning is low -rarely scalable -can't grow much in efficiency. Usually the rate is per hour and can't do much to increase it no matter how experienced or skilled you are. -competitive: there is always somebody out there that could gladly pick the job from you for the same money or even less. Sometimes you get the feeling that our entire society is based on these types of jobs because even for higher skilled jobs the measurement is still the time you put in.