# Five Tibetan Rites These 5 exercises are more than 2,500 years old and they promote health and longevity. Apart from Wikipedia page, there are some books explaining them, but the very short startup version is this: 1. First Rite = stand up with hands outstretched and spin clockwise 3 times, moderately slow. 2. Second Rite = lie down on your back and lift both legs 3 times as far up as they goes with hands under your bum for balance. 3. Third Rite = sit on your knees grabbing you legs under your bum and move your head from looking down at your knees to looking up, if possible at the ceiling towards the wall behind 3 times. 4. Forth Rite = sit on your bum with legs straight and arms under your bum and lift your hips up until your body forms a flat surface like a bridge from knees to head 3 times. 5. Fifth Rite = take the push-up position, keep your arms straight and lower your hip to the floor 3 times. 6. Sixth Rite = Optional, instead of sex = stand up straight, breathe out and try to reach your knees with your hands without bending legs, bending over, then back to straight position and arms on your hips 3 times. The number of repetitions is 3 times for each for the first day, then each day can be increased by 1 till it reaches 21 reps. Take a few seconds breaks between rites and do the repetition slowly for best effect.