# Extreme minimalist winner From all of the extreme minimalists out there, by counting the number of their possessions, currently the award should be given to Robin Greenfield who recently walked all the West Coast of USA from Canadian border to Los Angeles (almost Mexican border) with a few minimal possession such as tent, sleeping bag, hygiene products and some clothes he made out of natural materials. Even these items he had during the walk were not many, he gave all of them away, including some cash, when he reached the destination (L.A.) and then he existed without any belongings, zero items and no money. That's a record. Granted, he then accepted to borrow a few clothing items for obvious reasons (not to stay naked in public, and some warmth for the night). But he continued to live without any belongings and his plan is not over. Additionally he has chosen to live with true transparency, so he revealed his deepest secrets and fears publicly. While some people criticize his style, it takes some courage to do what he has been doing. No other minimalists has done this, so it is something. Some questions & answers as how he lives and manages his daily tasks without possessions: Q. How many items he borrowed after giving all his possessions away? A. He borrowed 4 items: pants, shirt, blanket, sleeping bag Q. How and where he sleeps ? A. In a park, in the sleeping bag and blanket Q. Where does he get his water ? A. Public washrooms and park water fountains. Q. Where does he get his food ? A. Dumpster diving and donation from people. Q. How does he brush his teeth? A. Using local herbs and tree branches, pine needle for flossing. Q. Where does he washes himself? A. He revealed that he bathes in natural ponds, rivers and the ocean Q. How does he spend his day? A. Giving speeches to people about his journey, walking for food and observing nature. Q. Latest news and his plans? A. Doing some organized meditation practice where he will contribute and help people for shelter and food. These are some conclusions from his YouTube videos (available).