# The term 'extreme minimalism' appears sometimes in blogs and forums about minimalism ## Some definitions: Minimalism = a way to live with only things that are essential to your life and purpose Minimalist = a person who uses minimalism as a lifestyle or a tool. Extreme minimalism = is a more reduced number of items somebody uses, usually that is carried on the person. # Shortest definitions in my mind based on number of possessions, so you can easily visualize: Minimalist = a person who can carry all their belongings in a car. (imagine 100-400 items) Extreme Minimalist = a person who can carry all their belongings into a backpack or one bag. (Imagine 15-50 items) Temporary minimalist = a person who tries to live with reduced number of items, for example a traveller. (Imagine 300,000 items - common number of items in a household - but only bringing 50-100 when travelling) Wannabe minimalist = a person who would like to have less items but can't afford or simply don't have the means or mentality to do the step to reach a comfortable amount of items. Yet they say minimalism is not about numbers, it is a mindset where you feel comfortable with what you have. # Most animals are extreme minimalists With a few exceptions like snails, turtles, seashells, animals don't have a house to carry with them everywhere, let alone clothes, tools or other items. Therefore I would say most animals are minimalists, or more precisely extreme minimalists. Or the term simply doesn't apply to animals, yet people who have dogs can see how simply their mindset is regarding stuff. Coming back to people, we do tend to need too many things and a small inspiration from the animal kingdom might help us wanting less. Some examples of extreme minimalists: - Gandhi had 6 items when he died - Rob Greenfield travelled with 45 items - other guys like Andrew Hyde had 15 items at one time - some people believe Jesus was a minimalist # Why would you be a minimalist or an extreme minimalist? - to heal from anxiety - to be and feel free - to be able to move quickly from one place - to reduce your burden of life - to prove a point to yourself or others - to focus more on experiences - to reduce costs - to make it a hobby - to have fun