# Desktop operating systems used worldwide The most is most popular operating system is still Windows. Below data are the stats 10 and 5 years ago vs now: (percentage of total Desktop operating systems in use by population) [2013] - Windows 90% - OS X 8% - Linux 1% [2018] - Windows 82% - OS X 12% - Linux 1.45% - Chrome OS 1% [2023] - Windows 72% - OS X 15% - Linux 2.8% - Chrome OS 2.64% - FreeBSD 0.1% # Windows usage trend is down over last 10 years while other OS's gain popularity. Why? 1. smartphones use mobile operating systems that are not based on Windows so would make sense to migrate to those systems, namely OS X and Chrome/Linux. 2. is the OS most prone to viruses and malware infestation, although is now much improved. 3. is bloated and not optimized. 4. some built-in features that are for advertisement and non-privacy Some of the Pros of Windows: 1. Popular still 2. Driver support for anything 3. Compatibility with previous releases 4. Mostly accepted and preferred by corporations # 2 words for the rest of OS's here: - OS X - "beautiful" and "user-friendly" (ignore the expensive hardware for a moment) - Linux (as in distributions) = [too much] "customization" and "bloated" - Chrome OS = "google" (that word should tell everything, no need for another, but think about anti-privacy - consumerism/profit only, limited for everything) - FreeBSD = "best_idea_to_move_forward" , "complete_os_free_open_source" (I cheated here, more than 2 words ;-) # Conclusion You guessed my 2 preferred OS's for the future: - If you want a commercial product accepted worldwide that anybody should be able to pickup and work with go with OS X - If you want freedom from corporations and closed sources and prefer open source and free software go with FreeBSD Fun fact: OS X is based on FreeBSD + a new Graphical interface