# Caffeine in different things we consume Caffeine from coffee gives us a burst of "energy" within 1 to 2 hours. The caffeine in tea gives a more peaceful, slower and long-lasting stimulation a "calming energy". ## Looking at tea and coffee, here are the quantity of caffeine per 8oz of drink: - white tea 10-15mg - green tea 15-30mg - oolong tea 30-45mg - black tea 60-75mg - matcha 60-80mg - coffee 125-150mg ## Risks of consuming too much caffeine (more than 400mg in a day or 4-5 coffee cups): - insomnia - headaches - anxiety - restlessness - increased heart rate - dehydration - dependency ## Teas without caffeine: - Rooiobos tea - Hibiscus tea - Chamomile tea - Turmeric tea - Peppermint tea - Jasmine tea - Ginger tea - Lemon tea ## Caffeine in Chocolate The content of caffeine in chocolate is so low that it doesn't even activate neural mechanisms. What energizes us after a piece of dark chocolate is another stimulant called theobromine, a naturally occurring compound that finds its primary and most popular source in cacao. Coffee gives us a "frenetic energy", tea a "calming energy" and chocolate a "lively energy". You just need to choose what kind of energy you prefer.