# What are blue zones There are 5 places in the world where people live substantially longer than other places. These places are: - Ikaria, Greece - Loma Linda, California - Sardinia, Italy - Okinawa, Japan - Nicoya, Costa Rica There have been studies about people's lifestyles in those areas. All zones present similarities in people's activities and type of foods they eat. From nutrition point of view this is what they recommend ideal diet to be: - 95% plant-based - 5% animals-based The types of macro nutrients: - 65% Carbohydrates - 15% Proteins - 20% Fats At every meal, eat only till 80% full. Don't overeat. The carbohydrates are fruits, veggies, nuts and seeds. Limit breads to 100% whole grain and sour dough, 2 slices a day max. The proteins are from beans, max 1 cup a day, nuts, mushrooms, fish max 3 times a week, other meats once a week. Not recommended too much meat as it's not clear if they achieved longevity because of some meat consumption or despite of it. Limit eggs to 3 per week. Limit dairy to sheep or goat cheeses for flavor only. Use nuts as snack, don't use sugar. Use maximum 5 ingredients in food preparation Use water as the main beverage. Some drink wine occasionally, but the effect is tide mostly to the person's good mood rather than health. Together with other factors like daily movement, sense of belonging in the community, purpose, and family first attitude, they thrive in their lifestyle. So there is something to learn from them.