# The ABC's of minimalism Some people like more fancy classification of minimalism and what it is about. So including this ABC list I found from others: - Always be purgin. - Buy less junk. - Clear surfaces. - Digitize photos. - Experiences over possessions. - Forge your own path. - Give to local charities. - Healthy habits. - Include your family. - Joyful decluttering. - Keep only the best. - Live intentionally. - Make room for what matters. - Never organize what you can discard. - Own less. Live more. - Pursue your passions. - Quality over quantity. - Reduce, reuse, recycle. - Shop less, save more. - The best things in life aren't things. - Uncover your potential. - Value time over money. - Wear a capsule wardrobe. - Xperience contentment. - Your dream home is clutterfree. - Zero regrets!